Find them here Beam Paints - Turtlecolour Find them here Stabilo CarbOthello Pastel Pencils Find them here Prismacolor Premier Soft Core Colour Pencils Find them here PanPastel Pans and Accessories - 40% off Find them here Pan Art Flat Aquarelle Brushes Find them here Beam Paints - Paintstones Find them here Caran d'Ache Pablo Colour Pencils Find them here Caran d'Ache Pablo Colour Pencils Find them here Caran d'Ache Luminance Colour Pencils Find the here Irojiten Colour Pencils Fidn them here Jackman's Crystalline Watercolours Find them here Faber-Castell Polychromos Colour Pencils Find them here Derwent Watercolour Paint Pan Set Find them here Derwent Pastel Shades Paint Pan Set prev next
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Голямо добре дошли в The Colour Pencil Shop Ltd

Why hello there!
So lovely of you to stop by. Thank you so much for giving my website a little look.
October 2024 was a special time as it marked 10 years of The Colour Pencil Shop.
Please check out the invitation to take part in an online exhibition with prizes.
If you'd like to reach out - I would love to hear from you.
Sending creative joy,

Online Exhibition Invitation - 10 years of The Colour Pencil Shop

October 2024 saw 10 years of The Colour Pencil Shop. To celebrate, Derwent made me a limited-edition special set of pencils that I added to a bespoke pencil case. These have all sold now but I have released details of the colours used so that you can still take part in the exhibition.

In March 2025, I will be hosting a special online exhibition with prizes showing the artwork that I hope you will create with these pencils or colours. I would love to fill our screens with beautiful art in my special colours. I hope you will want to join in with this. More details on the dedicated page on this website.

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Отдаване на дължимото на нашата планета

Подпомагане на благотворителни организации за опазване на околната среда чрез вашите поръчки

За мен е много важно да се отблагодаря по някакъв начин.
Тъй като имам образование в областта на науката и опазването на околната среда, подкрепям благотворителни организации, които помагат на природата.

Засаждане на дървета

Всяка поръчка допринася за засаждането на дървета.

The Woodland Trust

Възстановяване на горските площи и опазване на вековните дървета.

Общество за опазване на морската среда

Грижа за нашите океани.

Световен фонд за дивата природа

Подпомагане на природата да процъфтява.

Подкрепа за артисти в световен мащаб

Насърчаване на общността

Аз съм за общността, така че за мен е удоволствие да представя някои колеги художници.
Ако искате да бъдете представени в моя блог, моля, свържете се с мен.
Finding joy in creating art

Sharing Creativity

Art for me is all about finding that beautiful flow state and creating for enjoyment. I hope that by sharing some of the ways I find enjoyment through creating, you might share that with me and find some enjoyment too.